Joomla CMS Content Access Restriction by Author
How to Create Joomla Content Access Restriction?
If you have website and:
You have many authors assigned to different articles.
You would like to restrict access to other author’s articles.
Submitted by Olga Shuvalova.
Cопоставлять для коментирования надо только следующие строки:
//Надо закомментировать строки 181,182,183
// if ( $filter_authorid > 0 ) {
// $where[] = "c.created_by = " . (int) $filter_authorid;
//$cid = josGetArrayInts( 'cid' );
После закоментированных строк надо вставить фрагмент:
if($_SESSION['session_usertype']=="Super Administrator")
if ( $filter_authorid > 0 ) {
$where[] = "c.created_by = " . (int) $filter_authorid;
$where[] = "c.created_by = " . (int) $cid;